How To Keep Your Cool During A Traffic Jam

Few things can top the frustration that mounts when you’re already late to a meeting… and you’re also stuck in traffic. We’ve all been there, and we’ve all felt the emotional stress this situation creates. Here are smart tips to use to keep you chill, the next time a traffic jam enters your life:

Play music. The simplest remedy to traffic-borne stress is tuning to your favorite “easy listening” radio station or queuing up your best-loved CDs or MP3s. The distraction from the lovely sounds and lyrics will help you forget about the road congestion.

Ignore the speeding motorcycles. It’s easy to get jealous of the motorbikes for being able to dart and dash through all the traffic. But just remember: they’re contending with the hot sun (or heavy rain), while you’re safe and secure from those outdoor elements.


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